Title I
Amy Dunn
Department Head
Title I Reading
Title I Reading Services are being offered to Kindergarten through Grade 4 in the Line Mountain Elementary School. Title I is a federal program that provides funding for Highly Qualified Reading Specialists, professional development, and materials.
These support services are being provided within the regular classrooms and in small groups. The Title I instructors support our teachers and students by designing specific instruction to increase fluency, comprehension, and writing skills. The Title I program has been integrated into the school’s Response to Instruction and Intervention (RtII) process.
Although not federally funded, similar reading services are provided at Dalmatia Elementary School for students who are in need of additional instruction and support in Reading.
Various assessments are used to monitor student progress in Reading. This progress is reported to parents on a regular basis.
Please contact Amy Dunn, Federal Programs Coordinator, at 758-2640 or adunn@linemountain.com with questions or requests for more information.