Athletics Department
Line Mountain Athletics Admission:
- All Adults – $3.00
- Senior Citizens FREE – with any School District’s Sr. Citizen Passes
- Line Mountain District Employees FREE with proper ID
- Students
- Non Line Mountain Students – $1.00
- All Line Mountain Students K-12 are FREE
The Line Mountain School District is enrolled in HEALTHY ROSTER which connects athletes and parents of the Line Mountain School District with our Certified Athletic Trainer, Breanna Ebright. Please download the following documents on how to set up your smart phone and how to communicate with the Athletic Trainer.
Requirements To Coach in PIAA Member Schools |
Below is a link which will provide access to all the necessary clearances and educational requirements for all paid and volunteer coaches to coach at a PIAA-Member School. Click on the link for all the information you need:
Updated 2019-2020 Athletic Forms can now be found in the ATHLETICS section under DOWNLOADS and then DISTRICT DOWNLOADS. Also, please visit the new Line Mountain Athletics page at:
There you will find schedules and lots of information which will be maintained by the Coaches and Athletic Director. Downloadable forms can also be found under the MORE link and then FILES & LINKS
Athletic Tickets & Passes
If you are a resident of the Line Mountain School District, and wish to obtain an Annual Athletic Pass, the passes are available for purchase by contacting the Line Mountain High School main office. In addition, residents may also obtain an athletic pass free of charge by signing up to be a “ticket-taker” at 3 sporting events throughout the school year. Once again, contact the Line Mountain High School Office between the hours of 9:00am and 3:00pm for more information.
A Yearly Admission Pass may be purchased for all Line Mountain Home Athletic Events. The price for adults is $50.00 and the student price is $25.00. This pass will allow the passholder free admission to all Home Regular Season events in all sports.
Please contact the High School Office to obtain a pass.
Once again, Senior Citizens 62 years of age or older and residents of the Line Mountain School District are entitled to an Extra Curricular Events Pass at no charge. This pass will allow the passholder free admission to all athletic events and all extra-curricular events and programs. Please stop by the High School Office with identification and proof of age to obtain this pass.